Time Value of Money Calculation Updated

ProAPOD Real Estate Investment Software has added a new time value of money calculator to its iCalculator suite of online real estate calculations.

This new time value calculation concerns the present value of future cash flows under its category for “Time Value”.

In the previous version of iCalculator,  the user was able to select the Time Value category and then compute the present value for “even” uniform amounts of future cash flows. With this new time value of money calculator, the user will now also be able to compute the present value for “uneven” non-uniform amounts of future cash flows.

For example. The time value calculators previously provided only computed the present value of uniform cash flows such as $5000 per year over x-number of future years. With this newly added time value of money calculator you can now compute the present value for future non-uniform cash flows like $2,000, 3,000, -1,000, 4,000, 5,000 over x-number of years.

Naturally, this newly added calculation is a huge benefit for anyone trying to determine the present value of an investment opportunity that is anticipated to generate non-uniform (uneven) future cash flow streams.

How do you get this new time value of money calculator?

Current users of iCalculator get it automatically and absolutely free. Simply login to your account and start using this new time value calculator immediately. From the toolbar click Time Value > Multiple Payments > Uneven to open the appropriate form.

If you are not using iCalculator, that’s okay. Because the calculator will be there once you make the purchase.


James Kobzeff

James Kobzeff has over thirty years experience as a realtor and investment real estate specialist. He is the developer of ProAPOD real estate investment software and freely shares his real estate investing articles.