ProAPOD® Real Estate Investment Software has published another video in it’s Training Series entitled “The APOD.” I know I’m preaching to the choir here, given that most of you already use one of my real estate investing software solutions, and already know how to construct an APOD, but you might want to take a look, nonetheless.
In this video, I cover the three essential elements required by an APOD–income, operating expense, and debt service–and give a few additional suggestions about what makes an APOD great. The video is essentially shot right on my computer screen, so I can use the actual APOD created by my investment software with a fictitious property called ABC Apartments. The video software I’m using allows me to add some special effects that I’m still having to learn, but hopefully each of the training videos I create in the future will get better with practice. For now, I’m just trying to get my narration down; not an easy task.
My hope is that these training videos, like this one about an APOD, will serve those of you who might want to train real estate in your office about the nuances of real estate investing. Since most people have become less prone to read, and more enthusiastic about videos, this video on the APOD, as well as the earlier video about Cap Rate released last week should serve them well. It is not as thorough as I would make it if I were giving a seminar on real estate investing, in fact I purposely condense it to keep the download time to a minimum, but it should be beneficial.
This APOD video is a Flash 9 file, and about 3:58 minutes in length. You can view it on the ProAPOD® Real Estate Investment Software website by following Video-Real Estate Investing or by following this link to I would appreciate your comments.
James R Kobzeff
ProAPOD® Real Estate Investment Software